Welcome to HireTalk

Streamline your hiring process with our innovative AI-powered voice interview platform.

No more resume screening – interview 100% of candidates, even those who seem unqualified.

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How It Works

  • 1

    Create a Campaign

    Set up a campaign with the job title and description, generate or customize questions.

  • 2

    Candidate Registration

    Candidates register with their name and email to join the campaign. Resume upload optional.

  • 3

    Answer Questions

    Candidates respond to questions using their voice or selecting multiple-choice options.

  • 4

    Automate & Review

    H.T. Chutney scores responses, and you and other collaborators review the results.

  • 5

    Candidate Progression

    Automatically advance candidates based on scores, unless flagged by knockout questions, which require manual review.

  • 6

    Conduct Live Interviews

    Top candidates schedule live interviews. Interviewers access a comprehensive dashboard for detailed candidate information.

  • 7

    Hiring Decision

    Team members vote on advancing candidates, leading to a final hiring decision and notifying candidates of the outcome.

Key Features

  • Campaign Creation

    Quickly create campaigns with job descriptions and questions.

  • Scoring and Review

    Automated and manual scoring with collaborative review options.

  • Knockout Questions

    Filter candidates efficiently with yes/no or true/false questions.

  • Automation Features

    Set thresholds to automatically advance candidates.

  • Candidate Progression

    Track candidates from registration to the final decision.

  • Live Interview Dashboard

    Comprehensive view for efficient live interviews.

  • Data Privacy and DEI

    Promote diversity and inclusion with anonymous initial reviews.

  • Hiring Gauge

    Post-interview voting to decide the final candidate outcome.

  • Campaign Duplication

    Copy and reuse successful campaigns to save time and maintain consistency.

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Ready to Get Started?

Sign up today and transform your hiring process with HireTalk.

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